2014年7月29日 星期二

口水腺 - 口水腺發炎, 生炸腮







部份藥物亦可導致腮腺脤大。另外,一些免疫性疾病,如舍格倫綜合症,亦可導致腮腺肥大。 腮腺肥大,會影響臉部外觀,嚴重的如影響吞咽,甚至呼吸。如屬急性炎症,會有發熱,疼痛甚至發燒等病征。


參考資料: www.ent-hk.com

2014年7月24日 星期四



偶然出現並只維持數秒的耳鳴或是在極寧靜環境下出現的耳鳴,都是正常現像,不用過分擔心。若果耳鳴持續,或者有其他聽力病徵,便需要檢查治理。 耳鳴的聲調各有不同,包括蟬叫聲,風聲或機器聲,但如果耳鳴帶有脈搏跳動,便需加倍留心。



參考資料: www.ent-hk.com

2014年7月16日 星期三


外耳道是由耳廓到耳膜的通道,當受到細菌感染, 便會引起外耳炎。

1. 時近夏季,游水時海水或泳池水容易流入外耳道, 造成潮濕,引致發炎。
2. 部份人士感到耳部痕癢或想清除耳垢時, 會用棉花棒或耳挖放入耳道,容易造成損傷, 引致發炎。
3. 濫用消炎耳藥水會導致外耳道中的益菌死亡,造成真菌性外耳炎。
4. 病人抵抗力弱, 如糖尿病,亦容易患上外耳炎。
5. 過敏性皮膚炎亦可引致過敏性外耳炎。

治療外耳炎, 要保持外耳道乾爽, 避免於不潔的水中游泳,減少蒸氣浴。在使用染髮劑及護髮用品時, 保持外耳道清潔。避免使用棉花棒放入耳道。大部份外耳炎只需要按耳鼻喉醫生指示使用抗生素藥水治理,如是真菌性耳炎 ,則要使用抗真菌耳藥水。

若發現外耳炎不能根治或不斷復發, 須找耳鼻喉醫生檢查, 找出外耳炎病因,才能有效治療。

參考資料: www.ent-hk.com

2014年7月9日 星期三

How the Voice Works(2)

The Vibrator: The larynx (or voice box) sits on top of the windpipe. It contains two vocal folds (also known as vocal cords) that open during breathing and close during swallowing and voice production. When we produce voice, the airstream passes between the two vocal folds that have come together. These folds are soft and are set into vibration by the passing airstream. They vibrate very fast – from 100 to 1000 times per second, depending on the pitch of the sound we make. Pitch is determined by the length and tension of the vocal folds, which are controlled by muscles in the larynx.

The Resonator: By themselves, the vocal folds produce a noise that sounds like simple buzzing, much like the mouthpiece on a trumpet. All of the structure above the folds, including the throat, nose, and mouth, are part of the resonator system. We can compare these structures to those of a horn or trumpet. The buzzing sound created by vocal fold vibration is changed by the shape of the resonator tract to produce our unique human sound.
When our voices are healthy, the three main parts work in harmony to provide effortless voice during speech and singing.

Reference information:  www.ent-hk.com/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2014年7月3日 星期四

How the Voice Works(1)

We rely on our voices every day to interact with others, and a healthy voice is critical for clear communication. But just as we walk without thinking about it, we usually speak without thinking how our body makes it happen. However, knowing how we make sound is useful to maintaining the health and effectiveness of our voices. So this year on World Voice Day, April 16, take a minute to learn how your voice works. The following overview describes the body parts that work together to produce the sounds we make when we speak and sing.

The main parts of voice production:
• The Power Source: Your Lungs
• The Vibrator: Your Voice Box
• The Resonator: Your Throat, Nose, Mouth, and Sinuses

The Power Source: The power for your voice comes from air that you exhale. When we inhale, the diaphragm lowers and the rib cage expands, drawing air into the lungs. As we exhale, the process reverses and air exits the lungs, creating an airstream in the trachea. This airstream provides the energy for the vocal folds in the voice box to produce sound. The stronger the airstream, the stronger the voice. Give your voice good breath support to create a steady strong airstream that helps you make clear sounds.

Reference information: www.ent-hk.com/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. 
Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment 
and should not rely on the information above.