2018年4月23日 星期一


外耳道是由耳廓到耳膜的通道,當受到細菌感染, 便會引起外耳炎。

1. 時近夏季,游水時海水或泳池水容易流入外耳道, 造成潮濕,引致發炎。
2. 部份人士感到耳部痕癢或想清除耳垢時, 會用棉花棒或耳挖放入耳道,容易造成損傷, 引致發炎。
3. 濫用消炎耳藥水會導致外耳道中的益菌死亡,造成真菌性外耳炎。
4. 病人抵抗力弱, 如糖尿病,亦容易患上外耳炎。
5. 過敏性皮膚炎亦可引致過敏性外耳炎。

治療外耳炎, 要保持外耳道乾爽, 避免於不潔的水中游泳,減少蒸氣浴。在使用染髮劑及護髮用品時, 保持外耳道清潔。避免使用棉花棒放入耳道。大部份外耳炎只需要按耳鼻喉醫生指示使用抗生素藥水治理,如是真菌性耳炎 ,則要使用抗真菌耳藥水。

若發現外耳炎不能根治或不斷復發, 須找耳鼻喉醫生檢查, 找出外耳炎病因,才能有效治療。

參考資料: www.ent-hk.com

2018年4月18日 星期三






參考資料: www.ent-hk.com

2018年4月11日 星期三



Rhinosinusitis is defined as inflammation of the nose and the paranasal sinuses. The symptoms include nasal blockage, loss of smell, nasal discharge, postnasal drip and facial pain. It is defined as acute sinusitis if complete resolution of symptoms is achieved within 12 weeks. If the symptoms persist more than 12 weeks, it is defined as chronic sinusitis.

Examination for sinusitis must include nasoendoscopy. This procedure is performed by ENT specialists under local anaesthesia. The abnormalities include mucopurulent nasal discharge, the mucosal edema with total obliteration of the sinus outlet and nasal polyps will be detected. Besides, the anatomy of the nasal cavity and sinus outlet can also be seen.

CT scan of the paranasal sinuses is useful for assessment of sinusitis. It can detect mucosal changes within ostiomeatal complex and/or sinuses and also opacity of the sinuses and delineate the anatomy of the sinuses.

Treatment of Acute Sinusitis

Symptomatic therapy

Normal saline lavage is used to remove secretions and promote nasal mucosal healing. Oral and topical decongestants can reduce mucosa congestion and improve drainage. Mucolytic is used to thin mucus secretions, reduce mucus stasis, and promote clearing. Antihistamine can decrease mucus production and diminish nasal discharge. Intranasal corticosteroid is also used to reduce inflammation and improve associated symptoms.


Antibiotics are a common prescription for acute rhinosinusitis. However, only 0.2%-2% of viral upper respiratory tract infections are complicated by bacterial rhinosinusitis and around 40% of acute bacterial infections resolve spontaneously. That means 85%-98% of patients with acute rhinosinusitis are needlessly prescribed an antibiotic

Early treatment of rhinosinusitis should be focused on control inflammation to allow sinus drainage and prevent bacterial infection. Antibiotic should be reserved for persistent moderate to severe disease and complications.

Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis

A careful history taking and past medical records review are important. A thorough physical examination including fiberoptic nasoendosocpy is necessary to delineate the patient's anatomy. CT scan of paranasal sinus will help document the extent of disease and clarify any other anatomic abnormalities.

An optimal medical treatment consists of antibiotic, nasal saline irrigation, intranasal steroid spray should be given. The patient should then be re-evaluated and restaged in 1 month. If the patent is not responsive to the treatment, surgical intervention should be considered.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia. The sinus opening will be widened with all the obstruction removed. The sinuses will be cleansed with the mucopus drained. The normal mucus clearance mechanism will be restored. The operation is performed inside the nose under endoscopic control with no external surgical scar. In certain situation, it will combine with other nasal surgeries (such as septoplasty or polypectomy) to improve the access of the surgical field and the ventilation of the sinuses.

Postoperatively, the nose will be packed with dressing for hemostasis. The dressing will be removed in 1 to 2 days. Nasal saline irrigation should be started after the removal of nasal packing.

The complications include bleeding and infection which is not common. Rare complications include brain and eye injury.

Reference: http://www.ent-hk.com/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your ENT doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月3日 星期二




炎症性腫大 急性炎症包括流行性腮腺炎(即生炸腮),急性化膿性腮腺炎,又或是腮腺淋巴發炎。亦可以是慢性炎症,如結核性腮腺炎。

腮腺管結石 結石可導致腮腺管阻塞,導致腮腺發大甚至發炎。

腮腺腫瘤 腫瘤可分為良性及惡性。良性腫瘤包括多形腺瘤,腺淋巴瘤或肌上皮瘤;惡性腫瘤包括 原發性腮腺癌及轉移癌。口水腺腫瘤的發生率佔頭頸腫瘤的3%,而腮腺腫瘤佔口水腺腫瘤的80─85%。大多數的腮腺腫瘤以良性的多形腺瘤居多,生長緩慢,病程可長達數年或十數年。另外一些瘤樣病變如第一腮裂囊腫,亦可導致腮腺脹大。

其他 部份藥物亦可導致腮腺脤大。另外,一些免疫性疾病,如舍格倫綜合症,亦可導致腮腺肥大。 腮腺肥大,會影響臉部外觀,嚴重的如影響吞嚥,甚至呼吸。如屬急性炎症,會有發熱,疼痛甚至發燒等病徵。


參考資料: www.ent-hk.com